Privacy Policy


I am committed to protecting your personal information and privacy.
All patient records and information are kept confidential and are only shared with your explicit consent or as required by law.
My privacy practices include:

  1. Confidentiality: All patient information, including medical records, treatments, and personal details, is kept confidential.
  2. Access Control: Only authorized staff members have access to your information.
  3. Secure Storage: I use secure systems and processes to store and manage your information.
  4. Use of Information: Your information is only used for purposes related to your treatment, billing, and internal operations.
  5. Disclosure: I do not share your information with third parties without your consent, except when required by law or for medical emergencies.
  6. Patient Rights: You have the right to access your records, request corrections, and understand how your information is used.

If you have any questions or concerns about my privacy practices, please contact me.